ADDRESS: 1412 57th Ave East, Bradenton, FL 34203

PHONE: (941) 281-4814


ADDRESS: 1412 57th Ave East, Bradenton, FL 34203

PHONE: (941) 281-4814



Save Time On Your Laundry

Learn more on how to save time on your laundry!

Save Time On Your Laundry

Learn more on how to save time on your laundry!

Start Saving Time

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding ways to save time on mundane tasks is essential. One such task that often takes up a significant chunk of our time is doing laundry at the laundromat. Fortunately at Friendly City Laundry we provide several savvy strategies you can employ to streamline your laundromat experience and get back to more important activities. Let’s dive into some time-saving hacks that make your trip to the laundromat a breeze.

Pre-Sort Your Laundry: Before you even leave your home, take a moment to pre-sort your laundry. Separate your clothes into distinct loads based on colors, fabric types, and washing instructions. This will save you the hassle of sorting your laundry at the laundromat and allow you to simply load the machines and get started. Or let our on site team handle your laundry day!

Use Larger Machines: When possible, opt for larger-capacity washing machines and dryers. These machines can handle more clothes in a single cycle, reducing the number of loads you need to do. It might cost slightly more upfront, but the time and energy you save will be well worth it. Friendly City Laundry provides machines that can process up to 8 loads of laundry at one time.

Time Your Visit Wisely: Avoid peak hours when the laundromat is likely to be crowded. Early mornings on weekdays or late evenings can be quieter times to do your laundry. By avoiding the rush, you can access machines more quickly and get your laundry done efficiently.

Huebsch App: Our easy to use payment app allows you to check to see how busy Friendly City Laundry is in real time. So you will know if your favorite washer or dryer is free before you even leave the house!

Maximize Detergent Efficiency: Modern detergents are highly concentrated, meaning you can often use less than the recommended amount and still achieve clean clothes. Experiment with using slightly less detergent to prevent excessive suds and reduce rinse cycles. 

Pre Treatment: Rather than dealing with stubborn stains at the laundromat, pre-treat them at home before you head out. This can save you the time and effort of scrubbing away stains in a busy laundromat environment.

Fold as You Go: Once your clothes are dried, take a few minutes to fold them immediately. This prevents wrinkles from setting in and minimizes the time you’ll need to spend on ironing later. Our custom wood folding tables provide a great surface to fold.

Create a Routine: Establishing a regular laundry routine can help you stay organized and make the process more efficient. Designate specific days or times each week for your laundromat visits so that laundry doesn’t pile up and become overwhelming.

Bring Entertainment: Waiting for your laundry to finish can be a great opportunity to catch up on reading, podcasts, or work. Bring along your laptop, a book, or some headphones to make the most of this downtime. Friendly City Laundry provide free WiFi to make surfing the web easy.

Cleanliness: Always chose a clean, safe and well maintained environment for laundry day. Friendly City Laundry is the perfect location. All of our equipment is brand new, our facility is professionally cleaned and our friendly staff is also always willing to help.

Conclusion: Time is a valuable resource, and with a few clever tricks, you can save a significant amount of it during your trips to the laundromat. From pre-sorting your laundry to timing your visits strategically, these hacks will help you breeze through the laundry process and free up more time for the things you truly enjoy. Remember, a little planning and preparation can go a long way in making your laundromat experience efficient and hassle-free.

Start Saving Time

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding ways to save time on mundane tasks is essential. One such task that often takes up a significant chunk of our time is doing laundry at the laundromat. Fortunately at Friendly City Laundry we provide several savvy strategies you can employ to streamline your laundromat experience and get back to more important activities. Let’s dive into some time-saving hacks that make your trip to the laundromat a breeze.

Pre-Sort Your Laundry: Before you even leave your home, take a moment to pre-sort your laundry. Separate your clothes into distinct loads based on colors, fabric types, and washing instructions. This will save you the hassle of sorting your laundry at the laundromat and allow you to simply load the machines and get started. Or let our on site team handle your laundry day!

Use Larger Machines: When possible, opt for larger-capacity washing machines and dryers. These machines can handle more clothes in a single cycle, reducing the number of loads you need to do. It might cost slightly more upfront, but the time and energy you save will be well worth it. Friendly City Laundry provides machines that can process up to 8 loads of laundry at one time.

Time Your Visit Wisely: Avoid peak hours when the laundromat is likely to be crowded. Early mornings on weekdays or late evenings can be quieter times to do your laundry. By avoiding the rush, you can access machines more quickly and get your laundry done efficiently.

Huebsch App: Our easy to use payment app allows you to check to see how busy Friendly City Laundry is in real time. So you will know if your favorite washer or dryer is free before you even leave the house!

Maximize Detergent Efficiency: Modern detergents are highly concentrated, meaning you can often use less than the recommended amount and still achieve clean clothes. Experiment with using slightly less detergent to prevent excessive suds and reduce rinse cycles. 

Pre Treatment: Rather than dealing with stubborn stains at the laundromat, pre-treat them at home before you head out. This can save you the time and effort of scrubbing away stains in a busy laundromat environment.

Fold as You Go: Once your clothes are dried, take a few minutes to fold them immediately. This prevents wrinkles from setting in and minimizes the time you’ll need to spend on ironing later. Our custom wood folding tables provide a great surface to fold.

Create a Routine: Establishing a regular laundry routine can help you stay organized and make the process more efficient. Designate specific days or times each week for your laundromat visits so that laundry doesn’t pile up and become overwhelming.

Bring Entertainment: Waiting for your laundry to finish can be a great opportunity to catch up on reading, podcasts, or work. Bring along your laptop, a book, or some headphones to make the most of this downtime. Friendly City Laundry provide free WiFi to make surfing the web easy.

Cleanliness: Always chose a clean, safe and well maintained environment for laundry day. Friendly City Laundry is the perfect location. All of our equipment is brand new, our facility is professionally cleaned and our friendly staff is also always willing to help.

Conclusion: Time is a valuable resource, and with a few clever tricks, you can save a significant amount of it during your trips to the laundromat. From pre-sorting your laundry to timing your visits strategically, these hacks will help you breeze through the laundry process and free up more time for the things you truly enjoy. Remember, a little planning and preparation can go a long way in making your laundromat experience efficient and hassle-free.